Risks and benefits of dental implants

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Advantages of dental implants:

  1. The implants protect the bone from resorbing. When the implants are inserted, they will keep the bone and gum line up.
  2. The crowns or bridges fitted on the implants are anatomic, so they need the same space as natural teeth. Dentures need much more space in the mouth than natural teeth or these anatomic crowns.
  3. The clip on dentures on implants gives much more stability, better chewing, safety feeling and a perfect aesthetic effect. Normal dentures are usually unstable, loose and make the chewing difficult.

Disadvantages of dental implants:

  1. Though dental implants becomes more and more affordable each year, they are still more expensive than the alternative dental treatments like dentures or bridges.
  2. The patients have to go through a surgery that is certainly not the most comfortable. By the way, the implantation surgery is the most pleasant oral surgery, without any pain, followed by a fast healing, the patients take it really easy.
  3. Dental implantology’s greatest recent innovation was the guided implant surgery. The Nobel Guide ensures the perfect surgical precisement thanks to the Nobel Biocare – Procera® System. With the Nobel Guide system we can plan the exact position and size of the implants by a dental CT. The surgical dental template is produced in Sweden at the Nobel Biocare factory.

Advantages against the traditional implant surgery:

  1. It’s only minimally invasive: no surgical sections, no swelling, no pain, no stitches.
  2. No convalescence phase: after the numbing went out, the patient can live a full life, they can eat, they can work, they can do sports.
  3. Beautiful teeth in an hour: there is no toothless period
  4. The implants are inserted very precisely into the optimal position – we can benefit from the bone quantity.

The only disadvantage is only is the higher price.